When Is The Best Time to Post?

While Google is an effective tool for many of life’s tasks it can also overwhelm and lead to analysis paralysis when it comes to the best paths to take in digital marketing and, more specifically, social media.

“Google it” isn’t just a saying — it’s basically a way of life these days.

Making a delicious stir-fry tonight? Google it.
How bad did the Saints beat the Falcons? Google it.
Why does the #CityofYes have so many potholes? Google it.

Google is also a seemingly endless stream (or ocean-sized conundrum?), when it comes to information, on when is the best time for you to post on your social media channels.

Twitter, Facebook and Instagram are all different animals and digging deeper into each channel reveals that factors such as your audience, locations and devices used are all variables that come in to play (just to name a few). A nice Hubspot write up gives us some solid data on when to post on each social media channel but, like every other well-written article on the topic, always includes the proviso that you have to test and track your own metrics.

So, where does that leave your funny tweet about your mom’s Christmas ham fiasco?

We figure it out together.

Honestly, that is what every single article on when to post will boil down to.

When is my audience online? We figure it out.

What does my audience like the most? We figure it out.

Am I sending the right message to my audience? We figure it out.

Everyone’s audience is different. So, the Neil Patels and Hubspots of the world are only mere guide posts to keep us on track, but it is up to us to investigate and experiment, track results and act upon our research.

One of the most beautiful things in life is that we are all different. In the song, “Everyday People,” Sly Stone (along with the immortal Family Stone) once sang, “Different strokes for different folks.” Why should our social media channels be any different?

The most powerful weapon that digital marketing employs is its ability to track results and give us the information we need to act upon. After that, it’s all up to us.